陳舜宏博士 系主任 食品與健康科學學系 Email swchan@thei.edu.hk 2176 1482 研究範疇 Pharmacology Cardiovascular Physiology Chinese Medicine Functional Food Food Safety Toxicology Microbiology Probiotics
區靖彤 國家執業中藥師 博士 李甯漢中醫藥教授 食品與健康科學學系 Email dawnau@thei.edu.hk 2176 1889 研究範疇 Authentication of Chinese Materia Medica Standardization of Chinese medicine Herb-drug interaction Health care promotion
蔡少薇博士 助理教授 食品與健康科學學系 Email dremilychoi@thei.edu.hk 2176 1495 研究範疇 Chemical Analysis of Foods in Relation to Toxicology and Health Risk Assessment Isolation and Characterization of Food Protein/ polysaccharides Study of food toxicants/contaminants & food safety risk assessment Healthy food product development & sensory analysis 諮詢範疇 Functional food R&D with TCM Exploration of Emerging Technologies in Food Processing
周若龍 國家執業中藥師 博士 助理教授 食品與健康科學學系 Email wesleychow@thei.edu.hk 2176 1540 研究範疇 Chinese medicines Standards Establishment Pharmacological Studies of Chinese medicines Technology Application of Chinese medicines
林偉恩博士 助理教授 食品與健康科學學系 Email williamlamwy@thei.edu.hk 2176 1506 研究範疇 Transition Metal Chemistry Kinetics and Mechanisms Catalysis Analytical Chemistry
羅韶勤博士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email siukanlaw@thei.edu.hk 2176 1869 研究範疇 Natural or Herbal compounds as photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Nanotechnology for Chinese Medicine
廖惠清博士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email criswcliu@thei.edu.hk 2176 1586 研究範疇 Orthopaedic Biomaterials Bone Tissue Engineering Biomaterial Surface Modifications Biomedical Engineering
麥成雄博士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email marvinmak@thei.edu.hk 2176 1467 研究範疇 Molecular and Cellular Basis of Neurodegenerative Disorders Development of novel treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease
吳詩穎博士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email jennyng0814@thei.edu.hk 2176 1821 研究範疇 Organometallic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry
唐詠芯博士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email christytong@thei.edu.hk 2176 1815 研究範疇 Drug repurposing Drug resistance in cancer
葉穎敏女士 講師 食品與健康科學學系 Email wingmyip@thei.edu.hk 2176 1490 研究範疇 Prenatal and Postnatal Counselling Patient care and safety